Thursday, April 16, 2009

Weed is for dummys

I have heard over the past years a number of arguments for the legalization of marijuana. Everything from "We could tax it and erase the national debt" to " Use of weed doesn't lead to heavier drugs" I have also heard " weed don't make you dumb." I actually had some on tell me that exact phrase. I don't know about the first two reasons.. (the tax idea might even work.. for a while, until everyone looses their jobs because they're stoned all the time and then can't afford to pay for legal weed anymore and then turn to crime to pay for their Government enabled habit..but I digress) but as far as the last reason goes [weed don't make you dumb] I humbly submit the three following true police blotter stories,

Failed to Keep a Low Profile:

If a motorist is carrying $18,000 worth of marijuana, he might try to avoid attracting attention (and not go the wrong way on a one-way street, as Samuel Randall, 27, did in Chicago in January). [WBBM Radio (Chicago), 1-4-09]

Or if carrying a duffel bag full of marijuana, not driving around in a car that lacked license plates, like the four women arrested in San Antonio in November. [San Antonio Express-News, 11-11-08]

Or if there are 78 marijuana plants in the back seat, making sure that her car had a valid state inspection sticker, unlike Tracy Pioggia, in Hampden, Mass., in October. [The Republican (Springfield), 10-16-08]

I say 'ol chap..... Weed DOES make you dumb!

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